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I have recently translated Starlogs and Phasers + Photons into French. At first for my personal use. I think it would be interesting to share these two creations with the French gaming community. Could you allow me to share them on my itch page ? On this page are many of my past translations ( Thank you. Littlefears.

Hey there! Thanks for asking permission, and absolutely! Feel free to post them on your itch page! :) I’m very flattered you enjoyed them enough to translate them!


These are two very good games and I am proud to present them in French. Thank you so much.

Hi Littlefears! Love the pdfs! I forgot to specify earlier—can you please specify that they're translations and credit me, linking to my Starlogs and Phasers+Photons pages on your translations' pages? Thanks much and hope it reaches a wide jdr audience :)

Hello. I obviously left your name and your itch link on the pdf translation. I will add this information to my personal page. My apologies for not having thought of this before.

No worries! It's just that as of now when someone searches for them on itch, they won't be able to tell from the thumbnail or store page which is the original and which is the translation!